Agora Coin: N 19497
Inventory Number:   N 19497
Section Number:   Ζ-2735
Title:   Myrina (Lemnos) or Hephaistia (Lemnos), 386-276/261 B.C., bronze
Category:   Coin
Description:   Myrina (Lemnos) or Hephaistia (Lemnos).
Notes:   Coin no. 16.
Context:   Tholos Trench F, gravelly fill of middle drain.
Notebook Page:   1829, 2673
Weight:   2.20
Material:   Bronze
Metal:   Bronze
Chronology:   386-276/261 B.C.
Date:   4 June 1937
Section:   Ζ
Deposit:   H 12:1
Period:   Greek
Region:   Islands of Thrace
Authority:   Myrina (Lemnos)
    Hephaistia (Lemnos)
Bibliography:   Kleiner (1976), p. 12, no. 4.
Published Type:   McClean Coll. II, no. 4187, pl. 151:15.
    Agora XXVI, no. 455A.
References:   Publication: Agora XXVI
Publication: Kleiner (1976)
Deposit: H 12:1
Notebook: Ζ-10
Notebook: Ζ-14
Notebook Page: Ζ-10-36 (pp. 1828-1829)
Notebook Page: Ζ-14-68 (pp. 2672-2673)
Card: Ζ-2735