Agora Coin: N 41850
Inventory Number:   N 41850
Section Number:   Η'-3913
Category:   Coin
Description:   Unidentifiable copper coins of Turkish fabric.
Notes:   Coin no. 27. GCM 857.27.
Context:   Poseidon Street, 15-20. Below road metal and ashes.
Notebook Page:   347, 357
Weight:   0.35
Metal:   Copper
Date:   7 April 1933
Section:   Η'
Elevation:   56.80
Period:   Turkish
Authority:   Uncertain Turkish
Bibliography:   Agora IX, no. 336.
References:   Publication: Agora IX
Notebook: Η'-2
Notebook Page: Η'-2-82 (pp. 347-348)
Notebook Page: Η'-2-87 (pp. 357-358)