Agora Coin: N 41895
Inventory Number:   N 41895
Section Number:   Η'-3959
Category:   Coin
Description:   "Local coinage of the second half of the 15th c. (?)... Coins with unsystematic designs or markings.... Very few show characteristics that might be interpreted as imitations of Turkish legends. Mostly thin fabric, frequently folded, extremely crude, irregular, angular shapes." Agora IX, p. 22, no. 8.
Notes:   Coin no. 29. GCM 877.29.
Context:   Above ground level of Byzantine Building.
Notebook Page:   952, 970
Weight:   0.39
Metal:   Copper
Date:   6 July 1933
Section:   Η'
Grid:   Η':46/ΞΕ
Period:   Islamic
Authority:   Uncertain Islamic
Bibliography:   Agora IX, no. 8.
References:   Publication: Agora IX
Notebook: Η'-5
Notebook Page: Η'-5-85 (pp. 949-950)
Notebook Page: Η'-5-86 (pp. 951-952)
Notebook Page: Η'-5-95 (pp. 969-970)
Card: Η'-3959
Card: Η'-3959