Agora Coin: N 41968
Inventory Number:   N 41968
Section Number:   ΗΗ-358
Category:   Coin
Notes:   Coin no. 10. Old Grid: ca. 35/ΛΕ. GCM 907.10
Context:   First cut; east. Below change of earth at level of water channel.
Notebook Page:   176
Weight:   0.60
Metal:   Silver
Chronology:   1512-1520 A.D.
Date:   7 March 1936
Section:   ΗΗ
Grid:   ΗΗ:35/ΛΕ
Period:   Turkish
Mint:   Qaraṭova
Authority:   Selīm I
Bibliography:   Agora IX, no. 25.
References:   Publication: Agora IX
Card: ΗΗ-358