Agora Coin: N 42066
Inventory Number:   N 42066
Section Number:   Θ-1001
Category:   Coin
Description:   "Sequins", Jeweler's Pieces.
Notes:   GCM 942.2.
Context:   Surface.
Obverse:   Imitation toghra.
Reverse:   Central star and 5 surrounding crescents, enclosed by a border of stars.
Notebook Page:   48
Weight:   1.36
Chronology:   19th-first half of 20th c. A.D.
Date:   7 February 1933
Section:   Θ
Grid:   Θ:19/Η
Period:   Turkish
Authority:   Uncertain Sultan, Imitation
Bibliography:   Agora IX, no. 334.
References:   Publication: Agora IX
Card: Θ-1001