Agora Coin: N 45201
Inventory Number:   N 45201
Section Number:   ΞΞ-82
ΤΙΤΛΟΣ:   Γέλα 5ος αι. π.Χ. Χάλκινο
Category:   Coin
Description:   BMC 74
Obverse:   Head of young Dionysos r.
Reverse:   [BOIω]T[ωN] at r. of Apollo with bow seated l. on cippus; behind on cippus, tripod; on side of cippus, trident r.; [at l., wreath].
Weight:   3.04
Die Axis:   3:00
Material:   Bronze
Metal:   Bronze
Chronology:   288--244 B.C.
Section:   ΞΞ
Period:   Greek
Region:   Boiotia
Authority:   Boiotian League
Bibliography:   Agora XXVI, no. 594, photo.
References:   Publication: Agora XXVI
Image: 2012.75.0179 (85-24-24)
Card: ΞΞ-82
Card: ΞΞ-82
Card: ΞΞ-82