Agora Coin: N 56276
Inventory Number:   N 56276
Section Number:   ΡΡ-628
Category:   Coin
Description:   Sv. 25.29--32; Kroll 1972, pl. 37:1--5
Notes:   Casts
Coin no. 628.
Context:   Room G, E half, Layer VII.
Obverse:   Head of youthful Dionysos r., wearing ivy wreath; border of dots.
Reverse:   A-θE Athena advancing r., holding lowered spear in r. hand; aegis draped over extended l. arm.
Notebook Page:   498, 656, 1493
Negatives:   82-56-14
Weight:   5.49
Material:   Bronze
Metal:   Bronze
Chronology:   39--37 B.C.
Date:   21 May 1973
Section:   ΡΡ
Grid:   T/19,20-13/15,16
Lot:   Lot ΡΡ 266
Period:   Greek
Region:   Attica
Authority:   Athens
Bibliography:   Heijnen (2018), pp. 91-92, fig. 3.
    Agora XXVI, no. 140 a, photo.
References:   Publication: Agora XXVI
Publication Page: Agora 26, s. 128, p. 102
Publication Page: Agora 26, s. 373, p. 347
Image: 2004.05.0285 (82-56-14)
Image: 2012.73.1549 (82-56-14)
Card: ΡΡ-628