Agora Image: 2000.02.1176 (Slide Sheet: 76:11)The Athenian Agora ca. 400 B.C. View of the west side and the central area. Model realised by Petros Demetriades and Kostas Papoulias. Agora Museum, Athens.
Archive Number:   2000.02.1176
Title:   The Athenian Agora ca. 400 B.C. View of the west side and the central area. Model realised by Petros Demetriades and Kostas Papoulias. Agora Museum, Athens.
Negative:   Slide Sheet: 76:11
Looking:   north
Photographer:   Petros Demetriades
    Kostas Papoulias
Date:   1992
Rating:   3
Storage:   Drawer 76.11.tif