Agora Image: 2012.58.1246 (87-546)Restored perspective drawing of the Nymphaion at the southeast corner of the Agora, 2nd century A.D..
Archive Number:   2012.58.1246
Title:   Restored perspective drawing of the Nymphaion at the southeast corner of the Agora, 2nd century A.D..
Negative:   87-546
PD Number:   PD 2318
Photographer:   S. Walker
Date:   1974
Bibliography:   Guide (2010), p. 154, fig. 115.
    Guide (1990), p. 161, fig. 105.
    Camp (1986), p. 194, fig. 163.
    Guide (1976), p. 151. fig. 57.
Rating:   2
Section:   Τ
Storage:   Drawer 13
References:   Plans and Drawings (5)
Image: 1997.13.0254 (87-546)