Agora Lot: ΟΟ 471
Title:   Grave Area; South Cut; Western Section; Pit 6; Rubbish Pit Full of Boar's Bones
Contents:   Much slag; fragments of iron nail and knife (?); iron disc; lead scrap; bronze join; unfinished alabastron; Early stamping; 6 or 8 pots, at level wall (?) complete. Nothing discarded.
Chronology:   Late 5th B.C.
Date:   7 July 1949
Section:   ΟΟ
References:   Object: ST 465
Deposit: D 16:10
Notebook: ΟΟ-16
Notebook: ΟΟ-17
Notebook Page: ΟΟ-16-92 (pp. 3174-3175)
Notebook Page: ΟΟ-17-6 (pp. 3202-3203)
Notebook Page: ΟΟ-17-30 (pp. 3250-3251)