Agora Lot: Ψ 60
Title:   Cleaning to Expose Outer Wall of Peristyle Court of Late Roman Building
Keyword:   From Annotation
Contents:   Lamp fragments, type 28; type 31.
Chronology:   Late Roman
Date:   18 June 1938
Section:   Ψ
Grid:   Ψ:40/Ν
References:   Deposit: O-Q 18-19
Notebook: Ψ-4
Notebook: Ψ-6
Notebook: Ω-8
Notebook Page: Ψ-4-95 (pp. 775-776)
Notebook Page: Ψ-6-10 (pp. 1010-1011)
Notebook Page: Ω-8-99 (pp. 1589-1590)