Agora Object: Agora XXIX, no. 1391
Dimensions:   P.H. 2.0; max. p. dim. 11.2.
Chronology:   225-200
Published Number:   AV 29.1391
References:   Object: P 18405
Emblem and about one-fourth of wall preserved; rimmissing.

Phiale rests on ridge surrounded by two scraped grooves. Shallow bowl with glazed groove at top of preserved area. Irregular indentations radiate from center of floor. Emblem within one scraped and one glazed groove, with row of painted leaves springing from outer groove (now nearly invisible). Head of Dionysos turned slightly to his left.

Hair parted in center, ivy leaves on crown of head, bunch of grapes over each ear. Very micaceous, fairly fine and soft fabric (2.5YR 6/8); shiny red glaze.

Another fragment with emblem from same mold, more worn: P 28190 (F 17:4).