Agora Object: Agora XXIX, no. 465
Dimensions:   H. 13.8; est. Diam. of body 16.0.
Chronology:   225-200
Deposit:   F 17:4
Bibliography:   Rotroff 1991, no. 51, p. 80, fig. 11, pl. 28.
Published Number:   AV 29.465
References:   Object: P 28108
Half of handle, about one-fifth of rim and neck, and part of shoulder preserved.

Nearly horizontal rim. Arched handle with slave mask at base. Upper handle attachment flanked by disks with painted crosses and white(?) dots around edge. Neck: elaborate unidentified object (a form of thunderbolt?); torch; bunch of grapes; double cornucopia; section missing (probably originally bunch of grapes; torch; elaborate object). Unidentified object consists of vertical rod with crossbars and volutes and, near the lower end, two diverging diagonal lines ending in triangles of dots; another triangle of dots at bottom of rod; upper end is stylized projectile point. Dots on torch, and two fillets hanging from either side. Bunch of grapes has four dotted tendrils and leaf. Body of cornucopia originally white. Shoulder: nine(?) alternating panels of checkerboard and concentric rectangles, beginning and ending with rectangles at handle, and bounded at bottom by scraped groove. Dull brown glaze, black inside; miltos.

Related to Dikeras Group.

For the elaborate object see Charitonides 1981, p. 174, pl. 42:β. For other oinochoai with checkerboards and rectangles on shoulder, see Charitonides 1981, p. 179, pl. 45:στ; Watzinger 1901, no. 3, p. 68, pl. IV.