Agora Object: Agora XXIX, no. 64
Dimensions:   H. 13.1; Diam. of body 9.0; Diam./H. 0.69.
Chronology:   300-275
Deposit:   F 16:8
Bibliography:   Shear 1969, p. 392, pl. 103:e.
Published Number:   AV 29.64
References:   Object: P 27972
Part of one handle and small area of rim restored.

Scraped groove in resting surface; underside conical with nipple.

High, concave stem. Rounded lower body, offset at base. Handles not sharply canted. Shiny brown glaze below and inside, dull greenish above stacking line. Graffito under foot: Κ.

Similar, from same context: P 29765, P 29287, P 28048.

For offset at base of body cf. 68 and bowl-kantharoi with outturned rims (134--136, 138).