Agora Object: Agora XXIX, no. 728
Dimensions:   H. 3.5; est. Diam. 20.6; Diam. of foot 10.5, of depression 3.3.
Chronology:   225-200
Deposit:   M 18:10
Bibliography:   Agora XXI, F 208, p. 44, pl. 20.
Published Number:   AV 29.728
References:   Object: P 26262
Most of rim and much of floor missing.

Rounded resting surface; convex underside. Sloping, concave floor.

Deep scraped groove and ridge around depression; scraped groove around edge of floor. Very flaring rim, convex to outside, runs smoothly into floor. Slightly metallic black glaze with brown stacking circle.

Graffito ΑΣΚ on underside.

Similar: P 11418 (F 5:1, middle fill).

Cf. Braun 1970, no. 193, p. 158, fig. 14 on p. 164, pl. 74:1 (with shallower depression).