Agora Object: Agora XXX, no. 382
Chronology:   Ca. 410 B.C.
Deposit:   P 7:8
Published Number:   AV 30.382
References:   Object: P 21358
Five non-joining fragments, a of rim, b -- e of wall. Reserved band on inside at rim: one near top of a. Much of the glaze fired brownish red. Max. dim. a) 0.119, b) 0.093, c) 0.054, d) 0.065, e) 0.08. Agora XXVII, p. 169, cat. no. 14, pl. 32.

B, youths. Fragment b (illustrated) preserves most of the head and shoulders of a youth to left, wrapped in a himation. Fragment c shows some drapery. Fragment a gives part of the laurel wreath to left on the rim, and d a bit of the stopped-maeander pattern below the figures. Fragment e is undecorated.

The Latest Mannerists, ii: the Academy Painter (ARV2 1125, 11). Not from the same bell-krater as 381. 382 has a reserved line on the inside at the level of the youth's head and 381 does not; also the drawing of the maeander pattern is different.