Agora Object: IL 2007
Inventory Number:   IL 2007
Section Number:   ΒΖ 1384
Excavation Number:   handler:2006:f:109
Title:   Iron Smithing Hearth Bottom
Category:   Iron and Lead
Description:   Large lump of iron slag.
Part of a rounded convex surface preserved, rough surface otherwise.
Iron slag removed from the bottom of a smithing hearth.
Conservation Status:   Finished
Context:   Fill north of Wall 6.
Notebook Page:   8077
Dimensions:   Diam. 0.200; P.H. 0.110
Material:   Iron
Date:   26 July 2006
Section:   ΒΖ
Grid:   J/12-1/14
Elevation:   52.447m.
Masl:   52.447m.
Lot:   Lot ΒΖ 1658
Basket:   handler:2006:b:50
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 47 (2013), p. 65, n. 32.
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 47 (2013)
Image: 2009.06.0617
Image: 2006.01.0209
Card: IL 2007