Agora Object: P 1634
Inventory Number:   P 1634
Section Number:   ΣΤ 954
Title:   Pyxis Lid Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Hole in the rim.
Lines and tooth pattern.
Simple Geometric style.
Context:   Geometric area, outside house; disturbed filling.
Negatives:   Leica, 3-19
Dimensions:   Est. Diam. 0.035; P.H. 0.04; P.W. 0.04
Date:   1 April 1932
Section:   ΣΤ
Deposit:   H 17:4
Lot:   Lot ΣΤ 128
Period:   Geometric
Bibliography:   Hesperia 2 (1933), p. 561, no. 42, fig. 16.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 2 (1933)
Image: 2012.21.0254 (3-19)
Deposit: H 17:4
Card: P 1634