Agora Object: P 16514
Inventory Number:   P 16514
Section Number:   ΓΓ 969
Title:   One-Handled Vessel: Cooking Ware
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Much of the upper wall and part of the rim, with the handle, missing. Similar to P 16512 (ΓΓ 967), but very much smaller.
Red cooking ware fabric; the bottom slightly blackened.
ADDENDA P 16512: Plump round-bottomed pot with very short neck, the rim slightly out-turned and collared. Short band handle from rim to upper wall.
Context:   Well, middle fill, containers 11-25.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   H. 0.07; Diam. 0.09
Date:   May, June 1939
Section:   ΓΓ
Grid:   ΓΓ:32/ΛΑ
Elevation:   -2.80 to -4.20m.
Masl:   -4.2--2.8m.
Deposit:   G 18:1.2
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 47 (2013), p. 20, n. 26.
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 47 (2013)
Deposit: G 18:1
Deposit: G 18:1.2
Card: P 16514