Agora Object: P 21310
Inventory Number:   P 21310
Section Number:   ΣΑ 1444
Title:   Amphora Fragment with Dipinto
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Four joining fragments from the shoulder of an amphora. Wheel-ridged above.
Dipinto in red, incomplete at right: <graphic>
Coarse red clay. Buff slip.
ADDENDA More fragments added in mending; shoulder almost complete.
Notes:   Previously North Basement-Jar Fragments, Block XI (Late 5th. and later Roman).
Context:   Well of Christian lamp.
Notebook Page:   2380
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 1133-38(Ha 39)
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. ca. 0.218
Date:   7 May 1951
Section:   ΣΑ
Deposit:   P 7:4
Lot:   Lot ΣΑ 365
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora XXI, no. Ha 39, p. 62, pl. 34.
References:   Publication: Agora XXI
Drawing: PD 1133-38 (DA 5555)
Deposit: P 7:4
Card: P 21310