Agora Object: P 22088
Inventory Number:   P 22088
Section Number:   ΛΛ 1424
Title:   Plate
Category:   Pottery
Description:   About two-thirds of floor and rim missing; restored in plaster. Plate of narrow ring foot; floor flares out from center and terminates in a horizontal lip set off from interior by a low ridge.
Rather coarse reddish-buff clay; unglazed.
Context:   Cistern, layer II.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 1171-158, PD 1171-164
Dimensions:   H. 0.045; Est. Diam. (lip) 0.191
Date:   1937
Section:   ΛΛ
Grid:   ΛΛ:94/ΝΣΤ
Elevation:   -5.7--4.4m.
Masl:   -5.7--4.4m.
Deposit:   D 4:1.2
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora V, no. G 82, p. 30, pls. 67, 73.
References:   Publication: Agora V
Publication Page: Agora 5, s. 44, p. 30
Publication Page: Agora 5, s. 149, p. 135
Drawing: PD 1171-164 (DA 9124)
Deposit: D 4:1
Deposit: D 4:1.2
Notebook: ΛΛ-10
Notebook Page: ΛΛ-10-31 (pp. 1842-1843)
Card: P 22088