Agora Object: P 27948
Inventory Number:   P 27948
Section Number:   ΜΣ 1376
Title:   Oinochoe
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Mouth, chips and inside of foot missing. Mended from many fragments. Neck with maeander and zigzag. Body glazed with groups of reserved bands. Handle with herringbone laddered above and below.
Peeling dull blue-black glaze.
Cf. Hesperia 68 (1999), p. 262, n. 109
Conservation Status:   Finished
Context:   Geometric well. Box 9.
Notebook Page:   2775
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 2986
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.247; Diam. (body) 0.175, (neck) 0.058
Date:   18 July 1968
Section:   ΜΣ
Elevation:   -6.15--6.15m.
Deposit:   I 13:1
Lot:   Lot ΜΣ 494
Period:   Geometric
References:   Drawing: PD 2986 (DA 12078)
Images (4)
Deposit: I 13:1
Card: P 27948