Agora Object: P 27989
Inventory Number:   P 27989
Section Number:   Κ 4032
Title:   Chytra
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Complete but chipped at rim and cracked. Small joining fragment at rim. Squat body, round bottom. Round out-turned lip. Strap handle from rim to shoulder. Similar in shape to P 27977.
Coarse reddish clay, gritty.
ADDENDA P 27977: Squat body, round bottom, round out-turned lip. Strap handle from rim to shoulder.
Context:   Cistern and well in Marble Worker's House.
Notebook Page:   5061 ff.
Negatives:   Leica, 85-675
Dimensions:   H. 0.010; Diam. 0.14
Date:   5-9 August 1968
Section:   Κ
Deposit:   F 16:8
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Agora XXXIII, no. 556, fig. 71, pl. 61.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXIII
Drawing: PD 3015-366 (DA 7219)
Deposit: F 16:8
Notebook: Κ-24
Notebook: Κ-25
Notebook Page: Κ-24-76 (pp. 4842-4843)
Card: P 27989