Agora Object: P 28238
Inventory Number:   P 28238
Section Number:   Ω 1489
Title:   Panathenaic Amphora Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Two joining fragments from the wall. Boxer facing right, with both arms raised; left arm and small part of left arm of his opponent visible. Incision.
Notes:   0.27-0.64m. below top floor.
Context:   Room 7 (S.W. corner of House D), below top floor.
Notebook Page:   2119
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.053; P.W. 0.058
Date:   16 August 1969
Section:   Ω
Grid:   O 20-21
Elevation:   -0.27 to -0.64m.
Masl:   -.64--.27m.
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Streicher (2022), p. 222, pl. 25.
References:   Notebook: Ω-9
Notebook: Ω-11
Notebook Page: Ω-9-90 (pp. 1767-1768)
Notebook Page: Ω-11-64 (pp. 2118-2119)
Notebook Page: Ω-11-78 (pp. 2146-2147)
Card: P 28238