Agora Object: P 30175
Inventory Number:   P 30175
Section Number:   ΙΙ 635
Title:   Plemochoe Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Preserved is part of the body and a kotyliskos.
Gray slip on exterior. Reddish clay.
Notes:   Catalogued 7 May 1973.
Context:   Kernos Pit 2.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.060; P.W. 0.087
Date:   19-21 March 1938
Section:   ΙΙ
Grid:   ΙΙ:33/ΛΑ
Deposit:   T 22:2
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 48 (1979), p. 214, no. II:17.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 48 (1979)
Deposit: T 22:2
Card: P 30175