Agora Object: P 30937
Inventory Number:   P 30937
Section Number:   ΡΡ 800
Title:   Pyxis with Lid: West Slope
Category:   Pottery
Description:   a) Mended from many pieces; full height not preserved. Moulded ring foot, grooved resting surface and juncture of moulding not reserved. Broad flange for lid with vertical rim above. Presumably, though not certainly, associated with fragment b). Wall decorated with leaves, berries, and tendrils done in clay and added white.
b) Full height not preserved, numerous chips missing. Vertical lower wall with broad convex top overlapping. Top decorated in two zones, set off by mouldings and scraped grooves once filled with miltos. Outer zone decorated with alternating stylized cornucopiae and grape clusters in white and added clay. Inner zone of tendrils and wine leaves with either berries or blossoms, all in added clay. Rim pierced with two holes at one side for suspension, other side missing.
Good black glaze. Red Attic glaze.
Context:   Cistern, layer I.
Notebook Page:   1989
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. a) (body) 0.082, b) (lid) 0.073; Diam. a) (body) 0.135, b) (lid) 0.155
Date:   12 June 1975
Section:   ΡΡ
Deposit:   R 13:9
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   AA 109 (1994), p. 48, figs. 50:f, 51.
    Hesperia 60 (1991), no. 3, p. 69, pl. 14
    Agora XXIX, no. 1220, fig. 75, pl. 90.
References:   Publication: Agora XXIX
Publication: Hesperia 60 (1991)
Publication Page: Agora 29.1, s. 399, p. 360
Publication Page: Agora 29.1, s. 585, p. 546
Object: Agora XXIX, no. 1220
Deposit: R 13:9
Card: P 30937
Card: P 30937