Agora Object: P 31130
Inventory Number:   P 31130
Section Number:   ΠΑ 988
Title:   Basin Fragments
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Three fragments, joining but not joined, of a large basin.
a) Half of base.
b) Large section of wall.
c) Another section of wall with a lead clamp.
Found in Pit. no. 5 with P 31129 nestled inside.
Glazed and/or discolored within, some dark discoloration outside. Coarse yellowish-tan clay, but not as coarse as P 31129.
Notes:   Catalogued 1979.
Context:   Pit 5.
Notebook Page:   2354
Negatives:   82-13-13, 82-13-32
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.22; Diam. (base) 0.215; Th. 0.02-0.03
Date:   1 August 1978
Section:   ΠΑ
Grid:   ΠΑ:113/ΜΓ
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 70 (2001), p. 135
References:   Publication: Hesperia 70 (2001)
Images (4)
Card: P 31130