Agora Object: P 32165
Inventory Number:   P 32165
Section Number:   ΜΜ 622
Title:   Bowl or Cup Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Rim and wall fragment. Steep wall, hollow rim-band with flat exterior. Groove at mid-height on each face. Spatula marks on exterior.
Red clay, good red gloss (flaked on rim-band).
Consp. form 14/Haltern 7. Probably Arezzo ware, Italian Terra Sigillata.
Notes:   Catalogued October 1992.
Context:   West Block, lowest layer above foundations.
Negatives:   94-37-11, 94-37-12
Dimensions:   Est. Diam. 0.123; P.H. 0.046; P.W. (at rim) 0.040
Material:   Ceramic
Date:   21 April 1936
Section:   ΜΜ
Grid:   ΜΜ:48-50/Ε-ΣΤ
Elevation:   51.40-51.30m.
Masl:   51.3-51.4m.
Lot:   Lot ΜΜ 110
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora XXXII, no. 537, fig. 18.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Image: 2012.80.1279 (94-37-11)
Image: 2012.80.1280 (94-37-12)
Lot: ΜΜ 110
Notebook: ΜΜ-5
Notebook: ΜΜ-7
Notebook Page: ΜΜ-5-18 (pp. 825-826)
Notebook Page: ΜΜ-7-91 (pp. 1370-1371)
Card: P 32165