Agora Object: P 6819
Inventory Number:   P 6819
Section Number:   ΚΚ 121
Title:   Mug: Brittle Ware
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Handles missing; restored in plaster on basis of P 19521. One-half of a beaker of black clay, very thin fabric, dented, imitating glaze.
Dull black surface.
ADDENDA Probably Gaulish; cf. BMC Roman Pottery.
Context:   Manhole for cistern gallery, with 1st. c. B.C. to A.D. pottery; lower filling. Found with ST 112.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Diam. (base) 0.04; H. 0.057
Date:   27 February 1936
Section:   ΚΚ
Grid:   ΚΚ:18-19/ΞΑ-ΞΒ
Deposit:   C 8:2.2
Lot:   Lot ΚΚ 317
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Agora XXXII, no. 1539, pl. 75.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Deposit: C 8:2
Deposit: C 8:2.2
Lot: ΚΚ 317
Notebook: ΚΚ-1
Notebook: ΚΚ-6
Notebook Page: ΚΚ-1-77 (pp. 144-145)
Notebook Page: ΚΚ-1-80 (pp. 150-151)
Notebook Page: ΚΚ-6-62 (pp. 1113-1114)
Card: P 6819