Agora Object: P 6895
Inventory Number:   P 6895
Section Number:   ΠΘ 587
Title:   Cup Fragment with Maker's Stamp
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Part of Western Sigillata cup(?) with high hollow base.
Stamped at center of floor: <graphic>
Heavy fabric. The glaze chipped and worn.
Context:   Well.
Negatives:   Leica, 93-31-6
PD Number:   PD 1171-187, PD 1172-8
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.049; P.H. 0.025
Date:   27 February 1936
Section:   ΠΘ
Grid:   ΠΘ:6/ΝΕ
Elevation:   -21.47--21.47m.
Masl:   -21.47m.
Deposit:   C 9:16
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Iliffe II (1939), p. 73.
    Agora XXXII, no. 683, fig. 22, pl. 39.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Image: 2012.79.0998 (93-31-6)
Deposit: C 9:16
Card: P 6895