Agora Object: P 7673
Inventory Number:   P 7673
Section Number:   ΠΘ 1477
Title:   Coffee Cup
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Fragments missing from side. Small squat cup with plain round mouth; horizontal stem handle, pierced. Bottom flat, left rough.
Orange-buff clay, micaceous, with small black specks. Thin fabric, unglazed.
Context:   Well. Earth.
Negatives:   Leica, LIX-98
Dimensions:   Diam. 0.054; H. 0.032
Date:   9 May 1936
Section:   ΠΘ
Grid:   ΠΘ:64/ΚΘ
Elevation:   -21.05--16m.
Masl:   -21.05--16m.
Deposit:   C 12:1.2
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora V, p. 55, no. J 38, pl. 9.
References:   Publication: Agora V
Publication Page: Agora 5, s. 69, p. 55
Publication Page: Agora 5, s. 142, p. 128
Image: 2012.53.1093 (LIX-98)
Deposit: C 12:1
Deposit: C 12:1.2
Card: P 7673