Agora Object: P 9684
Inventory Number:   P 9684
Section Number:   ΙΙ 111
Title:   Plemochoe Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   From a large kernos similar to P 9683 (ΙΙ 110). Fragment preserves about one-third of upper wall and rim, one handle, and about half of keel. Upper wall nearly straight, finished with small flat lip.
Red clay, gray at core.
Context:   Below floor of building A, over and in cutting.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Est. Diam. 0.15; P.H. 0.053
Date:   20-22 March 1937
Section:   ΙΙ
Grid:   ΙΙ:33/ΚΗ
Deposit:   U 22:4
Lot:   Lot ΙΙ 133
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 48 (1979), p. 222, XXXVII.2.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 48 (1979)
Deposit: U 22:4
Card: P 9684