Agora Object: PNP 492
Inventory Number:   PNP 492
Title:   Panathenaic Amphora Neck Fragment
Description:   Lower part of the palmette-neck ornament; ring at the join of the neck and shoulder, painted black; tongues on shoulder. Upper part of Athena's head to left and small part of her shield. The stem of the crest is the front of a swan's neck and head; checkpiece upturned.
White for Athena's face, the checkpiece, a row of dots outlining the upper part of the bird's neck, three dots on the crest and the dot at the edge of the shield. Red outlines the cret and the checkpieces.
Early Kuban group.
Context:   Assembly Place, filling of Period III.
Negatives:   LI-43
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.68; P.W. 0.125
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 10 (1956), p. 13, no. 6, pl. 1.
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 10 (1956)
Image: 2012.53.0332 (LI-43)
Card: PNP 492
Card: PNP 492