Agora Object: SS 4293
Inventory Number:   SS 4293
Section Number:   Γ 1430
Title:   Stamped Amphora Handle: Thasian
Category:   SS Thasian
Description:   Curve fragment.
ADDENDA: Handle fragment with upper attachment preserving one corner of the stamp was found in Study Collections-Case 85-10 labelled "Thasian Uncatalogued". Now mended to SS 4293 and making up complete stamp. Fragment marked Γ and 1935 in ink.
Micaceous orange clay, SS 4293 original fragment much darker.
Notes:   Par: cf type of Kleostratos w/ strigil etc (VG)*
Upper attachment added June 2010.
Conservation Status:   Finished
Context:   Cistern; lower Hellenistic fill.
Writing:   [Θ]ασίων
[Κλεόσ]τ̣ρ̣ατος (?)
(Σ lunate)
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.L. (mended) 0.102; P.W. (handle) 0.050
Date:   31 May 1935
Section:   Γ
Grid:   Γ:88/ΛΔ
Deposit:   E 14:1.2
Bibliography:   Bon (1957), p. 255, no. 947.
    Agora XXXVII, no. 278.
Published Type:   Bon 0947
References:   Publication: Agora XXXVII
Image: 2017.11.0376
Deposit: E 14:1
Deposit: E 14:1.2
Card: SS 4293
Card: SS 4293