Agora Object: SS 7673
Inventory Number:   SS 7673
Section Number:   ΛΛ 988
Title:   Stamped Amphora Handles: Knidian
Category:   SS Misc.
Description:   Two handles; part of rim preserved.
The stamps alike.
Notes:   Fragments A and B.
Context:   Cistern, strosis II.
Writing:   Κνίδιον Ἀρι
(Ο solid, small)
Notebook Page:   1311, 1327, 1339
Negatives:   Leica
Date:   4 June 1937
Section:   ΛΛ
Grid:   ΛΛ:99/Κ
Elevation:   -2.00m.
Masl:   -2m.
Deposit:   F 5:1
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 10 (1956), pp. 151-152, no. 116.
Published Type:   KT 0233
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 10 (1956)
Deposit: F 5:1
Notebook: ΛΛ-7
Notebook Page: ΛΛ-7-60 (pp. 1310-1311)
Notebook Page: ΛΛ-7-68 (pp. 1326-1327)
Notebook Page: ΛΛ-7-74 (pp. 1338-1339)
Card: SS 7673