Agora Object: T 218
Inventory Number:   T 218
Section Number:   ΣΤ 536
Title:   Horse Figurine
Category:   Terracotta
Description:   Mended from two fragments. Feet, and most of right foreleg and left hindleg missing.
Tail down left leg. White color over an original painting of lustrous black on the left side only.
It 's from a group, because there are traces of attachment to another horse against left foreleg.
Clay pinkish buff.
Context:   Terracotta deposit, 0.60 m. below wall.
Negatives:   Leica, 3-46, 84-53
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.068; L. 0.063
Date:   21 April 1932
Section:   ΣΤ
Grid:   ΣΤ:44/ΙΘ
Elevation:   65.70m.
Masl:   65.7m.
Deposit:   H 17:4
Lot:   Lot ΣΤ 140
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 87 (2018), p. 638, n. 17; table 2, p. 644.
    Hesperia 2 (1933), no. 314, pp. 619-620, fig. 86,
References:   Publication: Hesperia 2 (1933)
Publication: Hesperia 87 (2018)
Deposit: H 17:4
Card: T 218