Agora Object: T 4051
Inventory Number:   T 4051
Section Number:   ΒΓ' 346
    ΒΓ' 655
Title:   Mold Fragments for Ear
Category:   Terracotta Moulds
Description:   Three non-joining fragments.
Fragment a), left side of a mask or protome of some sort. At left is a nearly life size ear above it a flat area as for a stephane. Below the stephane perhaps waves of hair over brow. Soft orange clay.
Fragment b), comes from other side of mould, with stephane and hair.
Fragment c), is associated on the basis of clay. May come from stephane or from lower part of mould.
Very fine, soft, micaceous clay. Mottled light red (1.5 YR 6/6) to pink (7.5 YR 7/4) with gray core.
Cf. T 4052.
ADDENDA Fragment a), is joined with T 4051 and is published as one fragment with no. T 4051a.
Notes:   Inventoried 14 Audust 1985.
Context:   Pit.
Notebook Page:   965
Negatives:   Leica, 87-334, 81-52-13, 85-42-9, 85-41-24, 85-41-25, 87-35-22, 87-35-25, 87-35-26, 87-37-36, 89-3-17, 89-3-18, 87-35-28
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.13; P.W. 0.07; Th. 0.03; Max. Dim. a) 0.093, b) 0.118, c) 0.096
Date:   27 June-5 August 1972
Section:   ΒΓ'
Grid:   H/13,15-4/12,13
Deposit:   H 4:5
Bibliography:   Hesperia 64 (1995), p. 419, n. 50.
    Hesperia Suppl. 25 (1992), p. 127, no. 365, pl.61.
Is Similar To:   Agora:Object:T 4052
References:   Publication: Hesperia 64 (1995)
Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 25 (1992)
Images (16)
Deposit: H 4:5
Card: T 4051
Card: T 4051