Agora Object: T 67
Inventory Number:   T 67
Section Number:   Ε 108
Title:   Head Fragment of Boy Figurine
Category:   Terracotta
Description:   First interpretation: head of female figurine.
Front of head of boy in peaked cap.
Well preserved except that left cheek and part of nose is chipped away.
Large eyes, pointed nose, small mouth, dimpled (?) chin, set in fat face.
Hair in stylized formal waves round the edge of a cap with high rounded top and two cross stripes near edge: ribbons to tie it on (?).
Approach to gouging in the rendering of details. Mold made.
Abundant traces of color; white for flesh, dark red for lip and hair; ochreous yellow with stripes in thin black for cap.
Clay fine red buff.
Dimensions:   H. 0.073; W. 0.043
Date:   15 February 1932
Section:   Ε
Grid:   Ε:11/Μ
Elevation:   -2.50m.
Masl:   -2.5m.
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora VI, p. 52, pl. 7, no. 310.
References:   Publication: Agora VI
Publication Page: Agora 6, s. 102, p. 90
Notebook: Ε-1-BIS
Notebook Page: Ε-1-BIS-74 (pp. 139-140)
Notebook Page: Ε-1-BIS-103
Card: T 67