"dc-creator","Id","dc-subject","dc-description","Name","Collection","UserLevel","dc-title","Chronology","dc-publisher","Icon","Redirect","dc-date","Type" "","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-348","","Agora 30","Agora 30, s. 348, p. 329","Agora","","ARV² 1221, 14","420 B.C.; 430-420 B.C.; 420-410 B.C.","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-348::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 030/Agora 030 348 (329).png::1438::2048","","","PublicationPage" "","Agora:Object:Agora XXX:1474","Red Figured And White Ground | Cups | Type B | Decorated On Inside And Outside","Floor fragment with start of stem. Glaze misfired bluish in places.; ; Max. dim. 0.083; est. outer diam. of tondo 0.11.; ; I (illustrated), two youths (forehead, lower legs, and feet of one missing; head, shoulders, feet of the other gone) conversing. The left one stands frontally, head to right, right hand on hip, left holding a stick. The second one is in profile and has a cloak. Around the tondo, stopped-maeander pattern. On the outside, a little of the palmette-and-tendril configuration at each handle. Below, reserved line. Preliminary sketch. Relief contour.; ; Dilute glaze: muscles.; ; Manner of the Painter of London E 777, ii (Addenda and Corrigenda, p. 394, 9 bis to ARV2 one 621--622; not in ARV2). 1474 bears some resemblance to the maeander pattern and figures on the cup once in the Basel Market (ARV2 942, 51; Addenda 307) by the Painter of London E 777. But 1474 looks slightly later than the work by the painters of the Penthesilea Workshop.","Agora XXX, no. 1474","Agora","","","Ca. 430-420 B.C.","","","","","Object" "","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-350","","Agora 30","Agora 30, s. 350, p. 331","Agora","","ARV¹ 863, 2","410-400 B.C.; 400 B.C.; Late 5th B.C.","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-350::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 030/Agora 030 350 (331).png::1438::2048","","","PublicationPage" "","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-186","","Agora 30","Agora 30, s. 186, p. 167","Agora","","ARV¹ 372, 39","470-460 B.C.; 480 B.C.; 490-480 B.C.; 1st quarter 5th B.C.; 470 B.C.; 460-450 B.C.","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-186::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 030/Agora 030 186 (167).png::1438::2048","","","PublicationPage"