"dc-date","dc-creator","Name","Icon","Chronology","dc-description","dc-publisher","Id","UserLevel","dc-title","dc-subject","Redirect","Type","Collection" "22 February -7 April 1935, 22 May 1937","","P 4683","Agora:Image:2008.03.0270::/Agora/2008/2008.03/2008.03.0270.tif::2616::3060","","Projecting rim, flat and reserved on top. Inside, alternating glazed and reserved bands, glazed broader and more streaked toward the middle of the pot than at the top where the surface has been polished and the glaze is shiny and thick.; a) Mended from five fragments, preserves part of the rim, of the palmette band below it, and of two figures in the zone beneath: the wreathed head and a bit of the back of Apollo, right, with his lyre. Above his head the palmette band is broken by a single tall lotus. Behind him the left hand of a figure holding a flower(?); above the hand, a spray as if from a wreath. Between the two figures the last five letters of the signature: [ΕΥΘΥΜΕΣ ΗΟ]ΓΟ_ΙΟ; b) Gives the mid-part of Apollo's figure, draped, wearing sleeved chiton and himation. The lower edge of the lyre remains and the plectrum string. At the right edge of the fragment, part of his name(?), a single letter: Ο; c) Preserves the middle back part of a woman, left, holding up a bit of her drapery in her left hand. She too wears a sleeved chiton and himation. Behind her, the trunk of a palm tree; in the field between, written vertically, the letters Κ Α; d) Gives a further fragment from the rim, mended from two pieces; in the figured zone, a broad curved band, reserved: uncertain object (palm branch?).; e) A small bit of the palmette band (joins to a)).; f) From upper wall; trace of border above; below, parts of three of the right hand branches of the palm tree.; g) Bit of rim and border.; h) Bit of border.; i) Bit of border and upper wall, with trace of one branch of palm tree.; j) (Z 1176) From lower wall, mended from two pieces. Below is preserved a bit of the border of encircled palmettes; above, at the left, part of the trunk of the palm tree, spreading somewhat towards the bottom, and to the right, written in purple, lengthwise: ","","Agora:Object:P 4683","","Red Figure Stand Fragments: Inscribed","Red Figured And White Ground | Stands And Supports","","Object","Agora" "a) (Β 494) 2 April 1934; (B 824) 29 May 1934; b-g) (B 1519a-f) 4 May 1935; h) (Β 1535) 10 May 1935; i) (Β 1587) 11 May 1935; (B 1737) 22 July 1936; (B 1829) 27 May 1937","","I 1750","Agora:Image:2012.52.0173::/Agora/2012/2012.52/2012.52.0173.jpg::1530::2048","353/2 B.C., and 352/1 B.C.","Fragments of an opisthographic stele.; ""POLETAI"" record.; Archonship of Aristodemos and Thoudemos.; ; Fragment Β 494 (a), part of one side, the right side of face A, is preserved, tooth chisseled; otherwise broken.; The surface is eaten in places by the acids of the cesspools near which it was found.; On face A, fifteen lines of the inscription preserved; on face B, eight lines; stoichedon.; ; Another fragment (B 824), joins with B 494 (a), above. Part of toothed right side of face A preserved; otherwise broken.; On face A, traces of twelve lines of the inscription; a single letter on face B.; ; A number of six fragments found in section B 1519a-f (b-g), have been given this same number.; Fragment B 1535 (h), lettered face only preserved.; Seven lines of the inscription preserved, one to three letters in each.; ; Fragment B 1587 (i), have been also found in section B.; ; Fragment B 1737, inscribed face, and right side only preserved.; Joins to Fragment B 1519e.; Thirteen lines of the inscription preserved.; ; Fragment B 1829, retains parts of both faces, but broken all around.; On face A, fourteen lines of the inscription preserved; ten on face B.; Hymettian marble.","","Agora:Object:I 1750","","Mining Inscription Fragments","","","Object","Agora" "10 March 1938","","A 818","Agora:Image:2008.03.0089::/Agora/2008/2008.03/2008.03.0089.tif::3968::3664","","Seven fragments, making up to four:; a) Two joining fragments preserve full height of block and left end of block, part of bracket and of coffer.; b) Two joining fragments preserve part of fascia below face A, to full height.; c) Two joining fragments preserve part of face B, with full height of fascia, part of soffit and coffer.; d) Preserves full height of fascia below face B, with soffit and part of coffer.; e) A sizable fragment, found 7 April 1959 in file of marbles from 1938-1939 excavations, which joins fragment a) at right and gives part of lioness' belly and part of front leg. ; A 812 (ΙΙ 199) also belongs.; The fragments preserve the full height, one end, and parts of both faces of the block: fragments of lintel with faces at both sides and a deeply sunken coffer below. Face A, and probably face B, had a taenia of molding above (its profile now lost) and a plain deep fascia frames both faces below. The fascia below faces B, and with it the side wall of the coffer, is ca. 0.05m. deeper than that below face A; the difference is taken up at the end of the block by a narrow low bracket with simple curving profile.; The end of the block has a marked batter toward the top, and is dresses as a contact surface. In the top of the block is preserved part of the cutting for a T-clamp, its head ca. 0.19m. from the end of the block, its shank 0.08m. back from face A. In the end of the block is a rough cutting, probably for lifting; it lied 0.20m. above the soffit of the block, and 0.07m back from face A.; The block was elaborately decorated in color: Face A: preserved are the hindquarters of a lioness walking right, her left leg advanced, her tail arched over her back. There are no traces of color over most of the body, but the tuft of the tail is modeled in white stucco in low relief. Enough traces of similar stucco remain around the outlines of tail and body to suggest that much of the design was carried out in this technique. But there are considerable traces of pink on her teats, and some suggestion of inner drawing on her legs. At the left, a fair amount of white (stucco?) clings to an object which might be a tree-trunk; here also are some hints of inner drawing in red. ; The background is a thick coat of blue frit, very fugitive as it dries. Above and below, the scene is bordered by a band of red and one of green. ; The soffit of the crowning molding is red; the fascia below has traces near its lower left corner of decoration in color.; Face B: No trace of color, except a little possible white near upper corner of preserved bit.; Coffer: The side walls carry a neat lotus and palmette, in a color now missing, against a background of blue. Above and below is a narrow band of red. Of the central design nothing can be recovered; the background was blue. On the soffit of the block a single broad band of red frames the coffer.; Note: the thickness of the block suggested in the drawing is hypothetical and was reached by assuming a width of one ancient foot (0.296m.) for the coffer.; Pentelic marble.; ","","Agora:Object:A 818","","Lintel Block Fragments: Painted","Architecture | Building Blocks | Lintels","","Object","Agora" "","","Agora 7, s. 218, p. 202","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-218::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 218 (202).png::1449::2048","","Agora 7","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-218","","Concordances","","","PublicationPage","Agora" "","","Agora 13, s. 303, p. 282","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-13-303::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 013/Agora 013 303 (282).png::1449::2048","","Agora 13","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-13-303","","The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Pottery; Middle Helladic; Shapes; Lids","","","PublicationPage","Agora"