"dc-description","Type","Icon","Name","Redirect","dc-title","Chronology","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-creator","dc-subject","dc-date","Id","Collection" "Small floor fragment; no trace of foot. Concentric grooves on floor; within, stamped design, repeated twice: concentric diamond pattern terminating at one end in small volutes. ; ; Good reddish clay; reddish, matte glaze inside. Partly blackened by fire. ; African Red Slip Ware.; ; Cf. P 1875 or P 2496.","Object","","P 22247","","Plate Fragment: Stamped","","","","","","(1931)","Agora:Object:P 22247","Agora" "Inscribed fragment.; Part of one edge, the right of face A, preserved; otherwise broken.; Eight lines of the inscription preserved on face A; six on face B; opisthographic.; Pentelic marble.; ; ADDENDA Belongs with I 1734; joins with I 6584.","Object","Agora:Image:2012.51.1199::/Agora/2012/2012.51/2012.51.1199.jpg::1545::2048","I 4218","","Marble Fragment: Prytany List","165/4 or 180 A.D.","","","","","27 May 1936","Agora:Object:I 4218","Agora" "Preserved is only ca. one-half the base of a small steep-sided Samian A cup. Low, rather narrow foot ring, rounded in section. In center, inside, part of a pattern made of deep parallel grooves. ; ; Pinkish, slightly micaceous clay, laminated at break. Dull orange-red glaze inside, orange outside and on bottom.","Object","Agora:Image:2012.79.0870::/Agora/2012/2012.79/2012.79.0870.jpg::2048::1372","P 4524","","Cup Fragment: Stamped","","","","","","12 March 1934","Agora:Object:P 4524","Agora" "Rim and floor fragment.; ; Broad rim with moulded overhang. Corinthian tile fabric, smooth buff slip. Outer edge of rim glazed red; alternating bands of red and black on overhang. Grit added to center of floor.; ; For the full shape see the restored drawing of an example in Corinth, C-34-931: Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 296, fig. 28, 174. An Agora piece, P 6533 E 13:1, noted op. cit., p. 297, is close but lacks the base. Bases for the type are high and spreading, often with the upper surface grooved and with decoration in black and red. On one Agora fragment, P 16433 H 18:1-L, glazed triangles ornament the junction between base and stand. The stems are finished smooth and may carry stripes or bands of glaze; cf. op. cit., p. 293, fig. 25, 174-175; also P 24229.","Object","","Agora XII, no. 1859","","","Context ca. 480-470 B.C.","","","","Black and Plain Pottery | Louterion | Decorated Basin and Stand Fragments | Tile Fabrics","","Agora:Object:Agora XII:1859","Agora"