"Chronology","Redirect","Id","dc-creator","Icon","Type","Collection","dc-subject","dc-title","dc-description","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-publisher","Name" "Ca. 520-525 B.C.","","Agora:Deposit:B 21:5","","Agora:Image:1997.20.0350::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0350.tif::467::677","Deposit","Agora","","Inhumation, probably young male","Grave VI in notebook = RSY Grave 10.","","25 May 1939","","B 21:5" "750-725 B.C.","","Agora:Deposit:B 20:5","","Agora:Image:1997.20.0336::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0336.tif::333::506","Deposit","Agora","","Inhumation of a young female","Grave XXV in notebook = RSY Grave 4.","","23 June 1939","","B 20:5" "6th. c. B.C.","","Agora:Deposit:B 21:11","","Agora:Image:1997.20.0345::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0345.tif::652::470","Deposit","Agora","","Urn burial","Grave XVI in notebook = RSY Grave 3.; ; Bones of a young child found inside. Discarded?","","10 June 1939","","B 21:11" "LPG","","Agora:Deposit:B 10:1","Rodney S. Young","Agora:Image:2009.03.0677::/Agora/2009/2009.03/2009.03.0677.tif::2743::1786","Deposit","Agora","","Infant Pot Inhumation","Disturbed burial (no remains), probably an infant pot inhumation. ; Inhumation grave 17 in notebook. (E.L. Smithson: Grave XIX: PG). ; Shallow oval cutting containing a banded amphora on its side, mouth to west, sheathed in a large two-handled cooking jar, split irregularly lengthwise, south to east. No bones or offerings; 4th. c. BC sherds in cutting. Both pots Protogeometric, the amphora probably intrusive in the 4th. c. B.C. ; JP; Young: ""It is possible that a baby whose bones have completely disappeared was placed in the larger coarse amphora, and that the other amphora was a Beigabe (offering)"" The fact that no precedent exists in Athens at this time for a full-sized amphora as an offering in an infant or child grave renders such a suggestion unlikely.; ; No remains.","","9 March 1936","","B 10:1" "Middle Geometric II/Transitional to Late Geometric","","Agora:Deposit:B 21:23","Rodney S. Young","Agora:Image:2012.39.0475::/Agora/2012/2012.39/2012.39.0475.jpg::2048::1350","Deposit","Agora","","Disturbed grave/inhumation","RSY/JP Disturbed Geometric burial over ""Sacrificial Pit VI"" (Grave B 21:22). Grave IX in notebook. Bones discarded?; ; Pottery found in the upper filling of a sixth century cremation pit, which had perhaps cut through a Geometric inhumation to which the disturbed human bones close by may have belonged.","","31 May 1939","","B 21:23" "LH IIIC/EPG (date uncertain)","","Agora:Deposit:B 10:2","Rodney S. Young","Agora:Image:2012.42.1063::/Agora/2012/2012.42/2012.42.1063.jpg::2048::1461","Deposit","Agora","","Pit Tomb, Adult Inhumation","Grave 18 in notebook.; Adult inhumation; skeletal material; no offerings. Submycenaean?; ; JP","","12 March 1936","","B 10:2" "Ca. 525-500 B.C. or sightly later","","Agora:Deposit:B 21:14","","Agora:Image:1997.20.0374::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0374.tif::474::674","Deposit","Agora","","Inhumation, probably a female","Grave XXVI in notebook = RSY Grave 12.","","24-25 April 1940","","B 21:14" "325-300 B.C.","","Agora:Deposit:B 19:5","","Agora:Image:2013.09.0011::/Agora/2013/2013.09/2013.09.0011.tif::4276::2380","Deposit","Agora","","Pyre in House N, Room 2, Layer 5","Pyre in House N, room 2, layer 5 (RSY=Pyre 8).; Near northern corner of room 6. Artifacts, bone, burnt logs, and cinders in square pit dug from level of layer 5, through layers 5 and 6; thin clay floor laid over it. Young identified layer 6 as the latest house floor and concluded that this pyre was buried after the abandonment of the house. Layer 4, however, appeared to be a deliberate clay floor, suggesting continued occupation, with the pyre associated with floor renewal. The stratigraphic situation may therefore indicate a renovation rather than abandonment. The pyre lies well below the mudbrick layer of wall decay in this room. The edges and bottom of the pit were reddened, indicating burning in situ. Wood cinders and logs mixed with bones lay below the pottery.","","18-19 September 1947","","B 19:5"