"Chronology","Name","dc-subject","Icon","dc-description","dc-date","dc-creator","dc-title","UserLevel","Redirect","Id","Type","dc-publisher","Collection" "","2012.53.1033 (LIX-38)","Site | By Area | Central | Temple of Ares | Architectural Details | Geison and Sima","Agora:Image:2012.53.1033::/Agora/2012/2012.53/2012.53.1033.jpg::2048::1575","AMS","Summer 1953","","Cornice block from the northeast corner, as reconstructed in cement. View of the underside. Many fragments were doweled together and partly restored in concrete. Included in the reconstructed cornice are the pieces: A 238a , A 239 a & b, A 602, A 2241-2250 and other fragments of A 238 renumbered as A 2251-2254.","","","Agora:Image:2012.53.1033","Image","","Agora" "","2012.53.1153 (LX-58)","Site | By Area | Central | Temple of Ares | Architectural Details | Geison and Sima","Agora:Image:2012.53.1153::/Agora/2012/2012.53/2012.53.1153.jpg::2048::1545","PD 777","1953","M.R. Holland","Plan and section of a corner geison block bearing the number A 238. Many fragments were doweled together and partly restored in concrete. Included in the reconstructed cornice are the pieces: A 238a , A 239 a & b, A 602, A 2241-2250 and other fragments of A 238 renumbered as A 2251-2254.","","","Agora:Image:2012.53.1153","Image","","Agora" "","2012.56.0835 (83-118)","Site | By Area | North | Stoa Poikile | Plans and Drawings","Agora:Image:2012.56.0835::/Agora/2012/2012.56/2012.56.0835.jpg::1976::1452","PD 1181","1961","W.B. Dinsmoor, Jr.","Reconstructed geison, plan (1:2) and section (1:1).","","","Agora:Image:2012.56.0835","Image","","Agora" "","2012.56.1200 (83-478)","Site | By Area | East | Early Buildings beneath the Stoa of Attalos | Square Peristyle | Detailed Views","Agora:Image:2012.56.1200::/Agora/2012/2012.56/2012.56.1200.jpg::1574::2048","South Stoa II series","30 May 1964","","Geison found incorporated in a monument base east end of the terrace of the Middle Stoa, originally used in the Square Peristyle. Angle view of bottom.","","","Agora:Image:2012.56.1200","Image","","Agora" "","2012.56.1201 (83-479)","Site | By Area | East | Early Buildings beneath the Stoa of Attalos | Square Peristyle | Detailed Views","Agora:Image:2012.56.1201::/Agora/2012/2012.56/2012.56.1201.jpg::1609::2048","AMS","30 May 1964","","Geison found incorporated in a monument base east end of the terrace of the Middle Stoa, originally used in the Square Peristyle. View of bottom. Cf. Agora XXVII, 1995, p. 126, Arch48.","","","Agora:Image:2012.56.1201","Image","","Agora" "","2012.56.1202 (83-480)","Site | By Area | East | Early Buildings beneath the Stoa of Attalos | Square Peristyle | Detailed Views","Agora:Image:2012.56.1202::/Agora/2012/2012.56/2012.56.1202.jpg::1577::2048","AMS","30 May 1964","","Geison found incorporated in a monument base east end of the terrace of the Middle Stoa, originally used in the Square Peristyle. View of top. Cf. Agora XXVII, 1995, p. 126, Arch48.","","","Agora:Image:2012.56.1202","Image","","Agora" "","2012.56.1203 (83-481)","Site | By Area | East | Early Buildings beneath the Stoa of Attalos | Square Peristyle | Detailed Views","Agora:Image:2012.56.1203::/Agora/2012/2012.56/2012.56.1203.jpg::1609::2048","AMS","30 May 1964","","Geison found incorporated in a monument base east end of the terrace of the Middle Stoa, originally used in the Square Peristyle. Angle view of top.","","","Agora:Image:2012.56.1203","Image","","Agora" "","2012.56.1265 (83-543)","Site | By Area | East | Early Buildings beneath the Stoa of Attalos | Square Peristyle | Detailed Views","Agora:Image:2012.56.1265::/Agora/2012/2012.56/2012.56.1265.jpg::1623::2048","South Stoa II series","9 Jul 1964","","Cornice block (A 3399) placed on the top of the frieze block (A 3387). Angle view. Geison was found incorporated in a monument base east end of the terrace of the Middle Stoa and the frieze block was currently set up against the back wall at the east end of the South Stoa II. Both originally used in the Square Peristyle.","","","Agora:Image:2012.56.1265","Image","","Agora"