"dc-date","UserLevel","dc-title","Id","Icon","Chronology","Collection","Redirect","Name","dc-description","dc-subject","dc-publisher","dc-creator","Type" "May 1982","","Northwest corner of the Agora. At left, Section ΒΕ on the site of the Flour Mill (13 Adrianou Street), at right, Section ΒΓ and ΒΓ'.","Agora:Image:1997.01.0193","Agora:Image:1997.01.0193::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0193.tif::1284::1024","","Agora","","1997.01.0193 (82-50-06)","Horizontal (normal)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Balloon Photos","","Will and Ellie Myers","Image" "May 1975","","Aerial view of the west end of Section ΒΓ showing the east end of the Two-aisled Roman Stoa at the left, the Royal Stoa in the center, the Crossroads Well and the Crossroads Enclosure at right.","Agora:Image:1997.01.0413","Agora:Image:1997.01.0413::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0413.tif::1354::1018","","Agora","","1997.01.0413 (87-666)","Horizontal (normal)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Balloon Photos","","","Image" "May 1975","","North side: Aerial view of the two-aisled Roman Stoa by the Royal Stoa.","Agora:Image:1997.01.0415","Agora:Image:1997.01.0415::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0415.tif::1459::890","","Agora","","1997.01.0415 (88-7)","Horizontal (normal)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Balloon Photos","","","Image" "May 1975","","Aerial view of the west end of Section ΒΓ showing the east end of the Two-aisled Roman Stoa at the left, the Royal Stoa in the center, the Crossroads Well and the Crossroads Enclosure at right.","Agora:Image:2012.58.1373","Agora:Image:2012.58.1373::/Agora/2012/2012.58/2012.58.1373.jpg::1989::2048","","Agora","","2012.58.1373 (87-666)","AMS","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Balloon Photos","","","Image" "May 1975","","North side: Aerial view of the two-aisled Roman Stoa by the Royal Stoa.","Agora:Image:2012.58.1448","Agora:Image:2012.58.1448::/Agora/2012/2012.58/2012.58.1448.jpg::2048::2003","","Agora","","2012.58.1448 (88-7)","AMS","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Balloon Photos","","","Image" "May 1975","","Aerial view of the approach from the Dipylon gate (northwest corner of the Agora).","Agora:Image:2000.03.0016","Agora:Image:2000.03.0016::/Agora/2000/2000.03/2000.03.0016.tif::2000::2051","","Agora","","2000.03.0016","","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Balloon Photos","","","Image" "May 1975","","Norths side: Roman Stoa at the left, the Royal Stoa in the center, the Crossroads Well and the Crossroads Enclosure at right.","Agora:Image:2000.03.0039","Agora:Image:2000.03.0039::/Agora/2000/2000.03/2000.03.0039.tif::2045::1523","","Agora","","2000.03.0039 (87-666)","Horizontal (normal)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Balloon Photos","","","Image" "May 1975","","North side: Aerial view of the Roman Stoa by the Royal Stoa.","Agora:Image:2000.03.0042","Agora:Image:2000.03.0042::/Agora/2000/2000.03/2000.03.0042.tif::2192::1334","","Agora","","2000.03.0042 (88-7)","Horizontal (normal)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Balloon Photos","","","Image"