"dc-subject","dc-description","dc-title","dc-date","UserLevel","dc-publisher","Name","Redirect","Chronology","Id","Icon","dc-creator","Collection","Type" "","","Tholos Trench C; Northwest Part, Layer Va","26 May 1937","","","Ζ 205","","Last quarter of 6th B.C.","Agora:Lot:Ζ 205","","","Agora","Lot" "","","Tholos Trench C; Northwest Part, Layer Vb","26 May 1937","","","Ζ 206","","Middle of 6th B.C.","Agora:Lot:Ζ 206","","","Agora","Lot" "","Corinthian and Attic black figured.","Tholos Trench C; Northwest Part, Layer VI","26 May 1937","","","Ζ 207","","Middle of 6th B.C.","Agora:Lot:Ζ 207","","","Agora","Lot" "","Late Corinthian and Attic black figured.","Tholos Trench C; Northwest Part, Layer VII","27 May 1937","","","Ζ 208","","Second Quarter of 6th B.C.","Agora:Lot:Ζ 208","","","Agora","Lot" "","","Tholos Trench C; Northeast Part; Layer V","25 May 1937","","","Ζ 211","","Early 6th B.C.","Agora:Lot:Ζ 211","","","Agora","Lot" "","","Tholos Trench C; Northeast Part; Layer VI","27 May 1937","","","Ζ 212","","Mid Helladic - Early 6th B.C.","Agora:Lot:Ζ 212","","","Agora","Lot" "","Gray Minyan; Protogeometric; Corinthian.","Tholos Trench C; Northeast Part; Layer VII","27 May 1937","","","Ζ 213","","Early 6th B.C.","Agora:Lot:Ζ 213","","","Agora","Lot" "From Annotation","","Tholos Trench E; Cleaning Rectangular Cutting Near Southeast Wall Block of Tholos","27 May 1937","","","Ζ 229","","2nd - 3rd B.C.","Agora:Lot:Ζ 229","","","Agora","Lot"