"Icon","dc-description","Redirect","dc-subject","Collection","dc-creator","Id","dc-publisher","UserLevel","dc-date","Name","dc-title","Type","Chronology" "Agora:Image:2007.01.0502::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.0502.tif::1459::1482","Fragment from rim of moulded bowl.; Plain lip, below which on the outside are short heavy diagonal ribs.; Thick glass, olive green in color, and much oxydized.","","","Agora","","Agora:Object:G 30","","","10 May 1934","G 30","Bowl Fragment","Object","" "Agora:Image:2012.79.0516::/Agora/2012/2012.79/2012.79.0516.jpg::2048::1339","One side of flat-based dish with curved sloping wall and narrow flat-topped rim. Band of rouletting on floor; end of a stamp visible at center.; ; Orange-brown clay and slip.; Type a variant of P 20222.","","","Agora","","Agora:Object:P 31994","","","9 May 1934","P 31994","Dish Fragment with Rouletting","Object","" "","Mycenaean terracotta ox. Lacking ends of legs, horns, snout. ; Brown lengthwise stripes. Traces of burning. Reddish clay. Buff slip.","","","Agora","","Agora:Object:AF 528","","","10 May 1934","AF 528","Figurine Fragment","Object","" "Agora:Image:2012.01.0077::/Agora/2012/2012.01/2012.01.0077.tif::2106::1590","Mycenaean terracotta horse or ox. Lacking head, end of foreleg, tail. Mark of attachment of rider (?) on rump. 2 legged. Hind leg pierced with hole. Broad red-brown stripes. Unpainted on back side. Red clay. Red-cream slip.","","","Agora","","Agora:Object:AF 529","","","10 May 1934","AF 529","Figurine Fragment","Object","" "","Broken all around.; Metroon series.","","Architecture | Terracottas | Tiles and Bricks | Roof Tiles | Stamped","Agora","","Agora:Object:A 406","","","11 May 1934","A 406","Roof Tile Fragment: Stamped","Object","" "","A big hunk of obsidian.; ; ADDENDA Four smaller pieces found with this stored in Box 196.","","","Agora","","Agora:Object:ST 646","","","9 May 1934","ST 646","Stone Fragment Obsidian","Object","" "","A head wearing a fillet with rosettes across the brown.; The eyes and nostrils pierced. ; Red glaze.; Fine red clay.; From a plastic lamp (?).","","","Agora","","Agora:Object:T 624","","","9 May 1934","T 624","Head of Maenad Figurine","Object","" "","Broken away in back, above and below.; Squat face with double chin.; Unglazed.; Buff clay.","","","Agora","","Agora:Object:T 625","","","11 May 1934","T 625","Head of Figurine","Object",""