"dc-publisher","dc-description","dc-subject","Icon","Type","Collection","Id","dc-creator","UserLevel","Chronology","Redirect","Name","dc-date","dc-title" "Athens","Sv. 22.78, 79","Coins | Greek Coins | Attica | Athens | Bronze, Period I (Early 350s - 229 B.C.)","","Coin","Agora","Agora:Coin:N 72237","","","ca. 270--261 B.C.","","N 72237","10 Jun 1938","" "","Well at 67/ΛΓ on the northeast slope of the Areopagus. Connected with the same cistern system as O 20:2.; Dug as several fills but probably a continuous accumulation","I. -14.30m to -15.30m. No independently datable material, but none of the pottery appears to be later than middle of 3rd c.","","Deposit","Agora","Agora:Deposit:O 20:3","","","300-250 B.C.","","O 20:3","25 May-9 June 1938","Well at 67/ΛΓ" "","Fragment of pan tile broken all around.; Buff clay; black glaze on concave side. On unglazed convex side, part of circular stamp: wheel (?) in relief.","Architecture | Terracottas | Tiles and Bricks | Roof Tiles | Pan Tiles | Stamped","","Object","Agora","Agora:Object:A 1413","","","","","A 1413","10 June 1938","Pan Tile Fragment: Stamped" "","Ω-8","","Agora:NotebookPage:Ω-8-103::/Agora/Notebooks/Ω/Ω 008/Ω 008 103 (1597-1598).jpg::2048::1613","NotebookPage","Agora","Agora:NotebookPage:Ω-8-103","","","","","Ω-8-103 (pp. 1597-1598)","10 June 1938","Pan Tile Fragment: Stamped" "","Glazed fragments; lamps; loom weights etc.","","","Lot","Agora","Agora:Lot:Ω 21","","","","","Ω 21","25 May-9 June 1938","Well at 67/ΛΓ; Upper Fill" "","Coarse selected.","From Annotation","","Lot","Agora","Agora:Lot:Ω 22","","","","","Ω 22","25 May-9 June 1938","Well at 67/ΛΓ; Upper Fill" "","Glazed fragments.","From Annotation","","Lot","Agora","Agora:Lot:Ω 23","","","","","Ω 23","25 May-9 June 1938","Well at 67/ΛΓ; Transitional Fill" "","Coarse selected (mostly fragments of two amphoras).","From Annotation","","Lot","Agora","Agora:Lot:Ω 24","","","","","Ω 24","25 May-9 June 1938","Well at 67/ΛΓ; Transitional Fill"