"dc-subject","Redirect","Icon","dc-description","dc-date","Chronology","UserLevel","Name","Collection","Type","dc-publisher","Id","dc-creator","dc-title" "Site | By Type | Burials | Geometric","","Agora:Image:1997.20.0264::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0264.tif::1417::1164","PD 1053","1958","","","1997.20.0264 (81-249)","Agora","Image","","Agora:Image:1997.20.0264","E. Brann (PD 1040, PD 1053)","Different plans and sections. Top row: in ΠΘ, storage pit (Deposit B 14:5); in ΓΓ inhumation of a child, (Deposit E 19:2); Protoattic oinochoe fragment P 13284. Bottom row: in ΓΓ inhumation of a male (Deposit E 18:1); in Τ, urn burial (Deposit Q 17:6); in ΓΓ inhumation of a male (Deposit E 19:1)." "Site | By Type | Burials | Geometric","","Agora:Image:2012.55.1050::/Agora/2012/2012.55/2012.55.1050.jpg::2048::1527","PD 1053","1958","","","2012.55.1050 (81-249)","Agora","Image","","Agora:Image:2012.55.1050","E. Brann (PD 1040, PD 1053)","Different plans and sections. Top row: in ΠΘ, storage pit (Deposit B 14:5); in ΓΓ inhumation of a child, (Deposit E 19:2); Protoattic oinochoe fragment P 13284. Bottom row: in ΓΓ inhumation of a male (Deposit E 18:1); in Τ, urn burial (Deposit Q 17:6); in ΓΓ inhumation of a male (Deposit E 19:1)."