"UserLevel","Collection","Name","Type","dc-publisher","Id","dc-title","dc-creator","dc-subject","Icon","dc-description","dc-date","Redirect","Chronology" "","Agora","1997.09.0127 (1-51)","Image","","Agora:Image:1997.09.0127","Detail of the mouldings on the Altar of Zeus Agoraios. Cf. 1997.09.0176 to view the entire block.","","Site | By Area | Central | Altar of Zeus Agoraios | Detailed Views","Agora:Image:1997.09.0127::/Agora/1997/1997.09/1997.09.0127.tif::1347::968","","1931","","" "","Agora","A 403","Object","","Agora:Object:A 403","Altar Side Block","","Architecture | Altars","Agora:Image:2008.18.0044::/Agora/2008/2008.18/2008.18.0044.tif::1313::957","Preserved at the right end and broken at the left; much battered; broken also above. Along both preserved faces a series of base and crown moldings, comprising, from bottom to top, guilloche, Lesbian leaf, bead and reel (the lower); the upper: bead and reel, egg and dart.; Above the egg and dart, is a small cavetto separated by a vertical fascia from a larger cavetto. On the back, at the end with the corner, a joint surface prepared to receive a return slab. In the lower edge, near the inner edge of this joint surface, a large dowel cutting.; Fair work.; Altar of Zeus Agoraios (?).; Pentelic marble.; Many fragments from a similar block were found in a well in the porch of the Metroon.","1931","",""