"Redirect","Chronology","Id","dc-title","dc-publisher","Name","dc-date","Type","dc-subject","Collection","dc-creator","UserLevel","dc-description","Icon" "","","Agora:Object:A 3889","Ceiling Coffer Lid Fragment","","A 3889","16 July 1970","Object","Architecture | Ceilings","Agora","","","Broken all around and on top. Bottom, i.e. surface to be seen from below, is slightly concave and preserves traces of incised paint guidelines. These are palmettes (four originally) enclosed in heart-shaped borders. One full and two half palmettes are preserved (cf. tracing in notebook pocket). These are grouped symmetrically around and with their heads toward a central compass point (cf. Lawrence (1957), pl. 62 a, for a similar scheme).; From Parthenon.; Pentelic marble.","" "","","Agora:Object:A 3890","Ceiling Coffer Fragment","","A 3890","16 July 1970","Object","Architecture | Ceilings","Agora","","","Preserved is lower part of coffered beam of type A, broken on both ends and across top.; Rear joint surface rough-picked (from anathyrosis?). Bottom surface decoration (beginning 0.91m. back from first coffer fascia): painted stripe, carved bead and reel, painted stripe, painted maeander. Inner decoration: fascia and ovolo with traces of painted egg and dart.; From Parthenon.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Drawing:DA 875::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/00000-00999/DA 875.jpg::0::0" "","","Agora:Object:A 3891","Ceiling Coffer Fragment","","A 3891","16 July 1970","Object","Architecture | Ceilings","Agora","","","Preserved is lower part of coffered beam of type A, broken at back, top, and both ends. Decoration as on A 3890: bead and reel better preserved, ovolo not fully preserved.; From Parthenon.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Drawing:DA 878::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/00000-00999/DA 878.jpg::0::0" "","","Agora:Object:A 3892","Ceiling Coffer Fragment","","A 3892","16 July 1970","Object","Architecture | Ceilings","Agora","","","Preserved is lower surface of coffered beam of type A and joint surface with band of anathyrosis. Carved bead and reel joins joint edge at 900, then turns to border edge along joint. Only central cross of one maeander visible.; From Parthenon.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Drawing:DA 881::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/00000-00999/DA 881.jpg::0::0" "","","Agora:Object:A 3893","Ceiling Coffer Fragment","","A 3893","16 July 1970","Object","Architecture | Ceilings","Agora","","","Full height may be preserved. Part of bottom and joint surface with anathyrosis preserved of coffered beam of type A. Bottom surface has bead and reel and maeander.; From Parthenon.; Pentelic marble.","" "","","Agora:Object:A 3894","Ceiling Coffer Fragment","","A 3894","16 July 1970","Object","Architecture | Ceilings","Agora","","","Preserved is bottom surface, lower interior fascia, and joint surface with lower band of anathyrosis of coffered beam of type A. Bottom surface has bead and reel along joint surface, turning at 90o at one end, similar to A 3892. No traces of paint.; From Parthenon.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Drawing:DA 886::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/00000-00999/DA 886.jpg::0::0" "","","Agora:Object:A 3895","Ceiling Coffer Fragment","","A 3895","16 July 1970","Object","Architecture | Ceilings","Agora","","","Preserved is part of bottom and of joint surfaces of coffered beam of type A. No traces of paint. Joint surface has band of anathyrosis. Bottom has part of carved bead and reel. Incised guide lines for painted maeander.; From Parthenon.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Drawing:DA 849::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/00000-00999/DA 849.jpg::0::0" "","","Agora:Object:A 3896","Ceiling Coffer Fragment","","A 3896","16 July 1970","Object","Architecture | Ceilings","Agora","","","Preserved is part of bottom surface of coffered beam of type A. Bead and reel, plain smooth surface for 0.12m. and tooth-chiseled resting surface for 0.18m.; From Parthenon.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Drawing:DA 889::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/00000-00999/DA 889.jpg::0::0"